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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


K so I'd like to believe that you all have been drooling for info on the Festival de Mode et Design as we have.  So with this headset I'm posting the link to the photo album of the festival. There is only 1 of our four sent pieces in the album.  bummer :(  but as soon as we get our hands on the others we will let you see.

While flipping through the pictures you can see what a huge deal this event was.  The crowd looked fantastic and it makes me pretty bummed that we didn't get to go.  But there is always next time baby!  I'd like to believe this is only the first time we will be showing there.

So me and the girls have been slacking company wise but when it's summer and the weather is this nice.. who isn't?  so we will be getting back to you all with updates on upcoming things just as soon as we get this lazy attitude exhausted and put ourselves back into gear  from our crazy work schedules.

Our pieces is around the middle of the album and is grey with a black ruffles down the front with a turquoise trim running down the ruffle.   The model appears to have some kind of strange white bow in her hair, or possibly origami...  I'm not too sure about that but of course we weren't there so I'm giving the styling the benefit of the doubt for now. There is also a closer shot of the same dress around the end of the slide show as well.  


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