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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ohh CANADAAAAAAAAAA!( sang with grade three french accent)

Today reminds me of the days when, through grade one to three,  the whole school would sing our anthem at the start of the day.  
Back in those years because I was in French immersion we sang it in french but of course we had no sweet clue what we were actually singing.  Instead of words we learned how to make the sounds so it appeared like we were singing the anthem.  At some point in elementary school I realized that I was not singing actual words but emitting sounds that gave the impression they were french. 

K that had nothing to be with clothing but I thought I would share it none the less.  

So at the moment we are in our "down" time. This time being that we aren't showing our collection like mad women and running all over the maritimes.  But don't be fooled,  this is not a slack time!  Actually,  it shouldn't be a slack time however we have a tendency to abuse our down time by doing nothing then hit ourselves while we are scrambling to get a collection together.  My 8-5 job just finished so now I have the time and am lacking any real excuse not to create.  I've made the decision to not take a second job this summer  and just work my regular one.

 This will
 A) give me the opportunity to make clothing.
 B) give me the time to volunteer which i've been dying to do.  
And C) give me more time to have a good summer and not a manic working one ( sorry to hear about your schedule Kirstin! )

So today I will begin actually dedicating myself to working on the company!  It's been so good to me so it definitely deserves my attention.  Or what is more likely to happen,  hang out with my friends and enjoy Canada Day.. opps:P

but i'll think of clothing the ENTIRE time I do it I swear!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Well I've started a new job with the provincial government for the summer and I have to say I'm already going crazy. I never realized how much I need a creative environment to maintain my sanity. All I've wanted to do for the last two days has been to sew or draw or make anything with some signifigance. Though somehow an 8-4 government job and a 5-11 restaurant job leaves little time or energy for anything but falling in front of a tv at the end of the night. Why did I not take advantage of the last 2 empty months and create like a madwoman? I suppose this will all make me value my free time more (as it usually does). Maybe I'll catch up with all those people who have enquired about my recent existence.

Last day at Pseudio is on Friday. Tear. Not being paid to play with clothes anymore.. weird....
